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apoti diabasa se diaores alles selides fenete oti i SAS tha horisti se 3-4 diaforetikes eteries i kathe mlegmeni hora tha ehei mia eteria kai tha iparksi mia akoma gia tis intercontinental ptisis. To onoma tis norwigikis eterias tha einai pithanon to onoma tis thigatrikis Braathens

tin perasmini hronia i SAS eihe mia zimia 164 ek. EUR

ta sobarotera problimata tis SAS einai:
- o antagonismos ton LoCo
- ta 39 !!! somatia ergazomenon
- o periergos stolos

Posted by Alex
periergos tropos na kseperaseis ta provlimata sou.............
synithws i sygxwneysi einai i lysi....
gia na doume ti tha doume......
i hara tou kathe martketing-maniac einai ta nea logos.......
an den enoseis toys ergazomenoys kai ta somateia eisai xamenos apo xeri.
o horismos einai episimos, to diabasa sto traveldailynews
Nai kai leei oti tha tous glitosei $1.8 millions......
stin SAS nomizo oti ehoun kirigmeno polemo metaksi somation kai ergodoton.

To pio kainourio senario pou diabasa leei oti ama i SAS den ta bri me ta somatia tote skeptete na dosei ta dromologia pros germania kai ta long-range dromologia stin Lufthansa. To apotelesma tha eitan hiliades apolisis stin SAS.

Auto to senario omos den to pisteuo, mou fenete poly tolmiro. ta afentika theloun aploustata na fobisoun ta somatia
gia na doume pws tha paei ayto to montelo

pantws etsi pisteyw pws tha ginei to systima aerometaforwn sto mellon
liges intercontinental kai oi alles intereurope kai regio
Ayto einai kai to sxedio ths EU. Ara oi OA tha einai mia xara gia Valkania kai M. Anatolh. Twra omws vgainw teleiws ektos thematos!


SAS Reaches Employee Pay Deal

The Financial Times reports that SAS has reached a pay deal with its pilots and cabin crew unions as it plans to split into three in an attempt to return to profitability next year.

According to the report, the changes will cut costs sufficiently to meet the challenge of rivals such as Ryanair.

"Thanks to the responsible actions of the unions we now have the conditions to become Europe's most competitive network company," said Jorgen Lindegaard, SAS' chief executive.

Pilots' pay reportedly will drop by 6 percent, bonus entitlements will disappear and expense levels for layovers will be reduced. Flight attendants will spend 30 percent more time and endure two-year wage freeze. There will be no layoffs.