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Lufthansa 747-400 collapsed onto its nose at Frankfurt Monday when the nose gear gave way. A spokesperson told ATWOnline that the airline is investigating the incident, which occurred shortly before the aircraft was scheduled for pushback for a flight to New Delhi. None of the 242 passengers and 16 crewmembers onboard was reported injured. The 747 was delivered to LH in 2001, according to Reuters. ... F17%2F2006
Re: Parangelia Airbus apo tin LH

Today's decision will allow Lufthansa to continue expanding and modernising its fleet. The Airbus jets on order are highly fuel-efficient, low-emission and quiet aircraft. "

kserei kaneis ti kinitires exoun ta A319, A320 kai A321? CFM or V2500
Παραγγελια Airbus
alex2":1m9ia1no said:
Lufthansa expands and modernises fleet
Supervisory Board approves order for 35 new aircraft

At its meeting today, the Lufthansa Supervisory Board approved an order for 35 new aircraft. From 2007, Lufthansa will take delivery of a total of 30 new short- and medium-range aircraft: five Airbus A319s, ten Airbus A320s and 15 Airbus A321s. Lufthansa has also taken options on a further 30 aircraft of the A320 family. In addition, the Supervisory Board gave the goahead for Lufthansa to order five long-range Airbus A330s.

Today's decision will allow Lufthansa to continue expanding and modernising its fleet. The Airbus jets on order are highly fuel-efficient, low-emission and quiet aircraft. "This order underlines our commitment to growth. Our customers will benefit from the wider range of flight options. We are achieving profitable growth and are thus opening up new perspectives for our employees and shareholders," said Lufthansa Chairman and CEO Wolfgang Mayrhuber.

Deliveries of the 30 short-and medium-range aircraft will start in 2007. The order will enable Lufthansa to boost capacity, as planned, over the next few years and also to steadily pursue its policy of fleet renewal. Lufthansa's European fleet currently comprises 153 aircraft, 80 of which belong to the Airbus family. A further 145 smaller aircraft operate regional services on behalf of Lufthansa.

The order for five long-range Airbus A330s will underpin Lufthansa's plans for growth in the long-haul sector. The aircraft, which will be delivered over the next two years, will also compensate for the delayed entry into service of the Airbus A380 and permit further expansion on long-haul routes. At present, Lufthansa's long-haul fleet consists of 83 aircraft, including ten Airbus A330s.

Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Corporate Communications
Extensive partnership between Lufthansa and Air Malta

Lufthansa is expanding its involvement in Malta at various levels. Its MRO subsidiary, Lufthansa Technik, is planning to provide maintenance services for long-range Airbus aircraft in Malta. Meanwhile, as part of a bilateral cooperation, Lufthansa and Air Malta will operate codeshare flights on several routes and also recognise the respective partner's frequent flyer programme.

Lufthansa Technik will set up new maintenance and overhaul capabilities in Malta for C-Checks and D-Checks on the Airbus A330/A340 (including the A340-600). The Supervisory Board of Lufthansa Technik has approved a multi-million euro investment in the bay infrastructure, as well as in tooling and ground equipment. Under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Government of Malta and Lufthansa Technik Malta, a joint venture with Air Malta, the hangar facility will be constructed by Malta Industrial Parks Ltd. and leased to Lufthansa Technik Malta. Pending approval of a new collective agreement by the local trade unions, the facility is due to be up and running as early as 2008. This additional investment will be undertaken by Lufthansa Technik, which will thus increase its stake in Lufthansa Technik Malta.

The success of this project depends upon the availability of trained personnel. Lufthansa Technik Malta is currently sponsoring training more than 50 apprentices at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, which is also investing in new courses to fulfil the growing demand from the industry.

"We must ensure that we have sufficient resources across our global network to meet the expected increase in demand for wide-body maintenance and overhaul services for Airbus A330 and A340 aircraft in the coming years," said Dr. Thomas Stüger, Chief Executive Product and Services, Lufthansa Technik AG. "Our decision today marks the beginning of a new era for Malta's aviation industry and we are looking forward to finalising our negotiations with our partners in Malta. With more than 500 additional employees, Lufthansa Technik Malta will also make a significant contribution to Malta's economic growth," he added.

Lufthansa Technik Malta was founded in 2002 and currently has 150 employees. A Centre of Excellence within the Lufthansa Technik Group, it focuses on C-Checks on short-range Boeing and Airbus aircraft.

Air Malta's flight from Malta to Munich tomorrow, 27 November 2006, also marks the launch of the partnership between Lufthansa and Air Malta. In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral cooperation signed by both airlines in February 2006, all 21 flights per week between Malta and Frankfurt and Munich will be operated on a codeshare basis with immediate effect. Both Lufthansa hubs will thus be connected to the EU's smallest member state by a daily nonstop flight. Moreover, members of the airlines' respective frequent flyer programmes can redeem miles on the partner's network.

Air Malta flies to 39 destinations in Europe, with particular emphasis on Germany, Italy and the UK. In Germany, in addition to Lufthansa's Frankfurt and Munich hubs, it serves Düsseldorf, Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne-Bonn. Air Malta offers a total of 25 flights per week between the Mediterranean archipelago and Germany, 14 of them to Frankfurt and Munich.

Lufthansa has been flying to Malta for more than 20 years. It currently operates a daily Airbus A321 service to the island.

Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Corporate Communications
μια μεγάλη έκπληξη: απότι διάβασα στον γερμανικό τύπο σκοπεύει η LH να παραγγείλει 20 B747-800 με option για αλλα 20 αεροπλάνα. ένας λόγος για αυτήν την παραγγελια είναι η καθυστέρησης και τα προβλήματα τις Airbus με το A380. άμα δεν κάνω λάθος, θα είναι αυτή η πρώτη παραγγελια για το 748 στην pax version. επίσης θα είναι η πρώτη παραγγελια του ομίλου Lufthansa στην Boeing εδώ και αρκετά χρονια
Re: Προς την Boeing κλίνει η Lufthansa για την αγορά νέων αεροσκ

Ο στόλος του γερμανικού ομίλου περιλαμβάνει 30 αεροσκάφη τύπου Boeing 747-400, καθώς και ορισμένα της ευρωπαϊκής Airbus.
Πόσο μου αρέσει αυτή η αντικειμενικότητα του άρθρου...

Πάντως, η LH φαίνεται ότι θέλει να πιέσει μάλλον την Airbus μετά τις συνεχόμενες καθυστερήσεις του Α380. Και καλά κάνει βέβαια.

Υ.Γ. Μια μέρα όλα αυτά θα γραφτούν σε κάποιο βιβλίο για το παρασκήνιο πίσω από το Α380...
Προς την Boeing κλίνει η Lufthansa

sv8fmz":3c3vrnzl said:
Προς την Boeing κλίνει η Lufthansa για την αγορά νέων αεροσκαφών μεγάλων αποστάσεων

Κρίσιμη είναι η συνεδρίαση του ΔΣ της γερμανικής Lufthansa, καθώς αναμένεται να εγκρίνει την αγορά νέων αεροσκαφών μεγάλων αποστάσεων και μάλιστα δείχνει να προτιμά την αμερικανική Boeing έναντι της ευρωπαϊκής Airbus.

«Προς το παρόν, ο όμιλος εξετάζει διαφορετικές εναλλακτικές δυνατότητες, τις οποίες προσφέρουν οι δύο κατασκευαστές» δήλωσε στο Reuters πηγή της γερμανικής εταιρείας αερομεταφορών και προσέθεσε ότι «η Lufthansa δε θέλει να τοποθετηθεί επίσημα πάνω στο συγκεκριμένο θέμα».

Η Wall Street Journal έγραψε στην ηλεκτρονική της σελίδα ότι η Lufthansa αναμένεται να αποφασίσει την αγορά 20 αεροσκαφών τύπου Boeing 747, με δικαίωμα αγοράς (option) άλλων 20.

Σύμφωνα με το δημοσίευμα, η αξία της συμφωνίας θα ανέλθει στα 5 δισ. δολάρια.

Ο στόλος του γερμανικού ομίλου περιλαμβάνει 30 αεροσκάφη τύπου Boeing 747-400, καθώς και ορισμένα της ευρωπαϊκής Airbus.

Πάντως, ο πρόεδρος της Lufthansa Βόλφγκανγκ Μεϊρχούμπερ, χαρακτήρισε πρόσφατα ως «ασήμαντο» γεγονός το εάν ο όμιλός του λάβει «το Δεκέμβριο ή το Μάρτιο» μια απόφαση για τη μελλοντική διαμόρφωση του στόλου των αεροσκαφών μεγάλων αποστάσεων.
Παραγγελια 20 Β747-8 απο την LH

Στην ιστοσελιδα της εταιρειας σημερα μπηκε δελτιο τυπου που επιβεβαιωνει την παραγγελια 20 Β747-8 απο την Lufthansa.
Επισης αναφερει και για 20 options. :D